Artículos de investigación | Bol. R. Soc. Hist. Nat. (Sec.Biol.) 103 (1-4): 5-8 | 2009
Algunos fanerófitos de interés corológico en la provincia de Valladolid (España)
Phanerophytes of chorological interest in Valladolid province (Spain)
Jesús Antonio Lázaro Bello
En este trabajo se presentan datos de interés corológico referentes a siete plantas vasculares, con biotipo de fanerófitos, localizadas en la provincia de Valladolid (España). Los taxones citados son: Celtis australis L., Gleditsia triacanthos L., Juniperus communis L. subsp. communis, Juniperus thurifera L., Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea, Quercus pyrenaica Willd. y Tamarix canariensis Willd. Aunque algunas de ellas se conocían como ornamentales, podemos considerar que cuatro de ellas son novedades en la provincia, y el resto son muy escasas. Para cada uno de los taxones, recogidos en los términos municipales de Cigales, La Cistérniga, Cogeces del Monte, Valladolid y Villaba de los Alcores, se aporta información corológica, ecológica y bibliográfica de su presencia en la provincia vallisoletana.
In this paper some data of chorological interest concernig seven vascular plants, with a life-form of phanerophyte (woody plants with perennating buds more than 50 cm above the soil surface), located in Valladolid province (Spain) are presented. The taxa mentioned are: Celtis australis L. (several individuals on the outskirt of the city), Gleditsia triacanthos L. (recently expanding in the area of the province and clearly becoming naturalized), Juniperus communis L. subsp. communis (rare in Valladolid) Juniperus thurifera L. (very important for this record permit the advance up to the populations located in León and Zamora provinces), Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea (a typical mediterranean vascular plant coming perhaps from ancient crops), Quercus pyrenaicaWilld. (abundant in the north of Iberian Peninsula but just punctual here) and Tamarix canariensisWilld. (small tree not mentioned yet in the province). Though several are known as ornamental plants, we can consider four of them as new records for the province of Valladolid and the others as scarcely known. The names of the taxa are listed alphabetically with the date of publication. For each one of them we indicate the municipality, the UTM co-ordinates in one kilometer square grid, the altitude and a brief description of the place in which they have been collected. Besides biogeographical distribution recorded from standard floras and some other publications, and bibliographic information on their presence in Valladolid province is shown. Voucher sheets, collected in the municipalities of Cigales, La Cistérniga, Cogeces del Monte, Valladolid and Villaba de los Alcores, have been deposited at the Herbarium of the Real Jardín Botánico, in Madrid (Spain).
Fanerófito, Plantas Vasculares, Corología, Valladolid, España.
Phanerophyte, Vascular Plants, Chrology, Valladolid, Spain.